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The difference between Flyer, Brochure, Poster and Catalogue
There's some people who believe that the term flyer was takne from the way it's distributed in World War I, which is by spreading it from a plane while its flying! In that time flyer become a very effective propaganda tool. Because it was distributed by wind, that could touch every area. You must be able to imagine how crowded the sky was because of that paper rain.
There's some people who believe that the term flyer was takne from the way it's distributed in World War I, which is by spreading it from a plane while its flying! In that time flyer become a very effective propaganda tool. Because it was distributed by wind, that could touch every area. You must be able to imagine how crowded the sky was because of that paper rain.
So what is the content of a flyer? Of course it must be different one another, depend on the function of that flyer. But there's one dominant element which is information. Either it is in form of text or visual. Flyer in the core was made to tell and also a persuasive approaching tool, to persuade or even form opinion for many people. It also varies in format, probably if on in an ealier time it only has a square shape and look like a standard post card but if nowdays, don't be shocked, starting from an A4 size to a Business card size, there are even some that look asymetrical. It doesn't matter how it looked but there's on characteristic from flyer which is it's validity period. Flyer usually shared some moment before an event happened and after that the information provided in it was not relevant anymore. A weakness? Not necessarily! This thing was the thing that allow the designer to experimenting. In this instant space and media, they were allowed to experimenting and creating intresting visual innovation. Just like Packaging desing theory, Flyer only have around 1/5 seconds to "catch" the target audience's eye. That was the thing that kept the designer to competing the most eye catching and memorable design.
Looking close with flyer, brochure usually contain information or explanation about a product, service, public facility, company profile, school, or other with the intent to introduce the product and as an advertising medium. Infromation in a brochure was written in a brief language, and meant to be easily understood in a short period of time. If consist more that one page, brochure usually printed in both sides, and folded with a certain pattern to form a number of separate panel, while if it is more than one pages bounded by thread, wire, or just arranged without being bound.
Brochure is the medium that are oftenly used by business people. This media is very effective in influencing consumer to buy a product. Effective here is not only mean low production cost, but also could convience consumer to use what we offer. Printed medium in a form of brochure usually is the basic asset used by salesman, sales agen and producent to be able to inform to consument about the advantages of a product, what benefit the consument could get if buying our product, physical form, color, size also how to get that product.
The basic differences of poster with other promotion media is poster usually read by moving people; probably while driving or having a walk. While brochure, booklet, and flyer was designed to be read in a particular way, probably while sitting or while standing. Because of that poster must be able to attract it's reader attention immediately, and in count of seconds, the message must be understood.
Poster used in various needs, but usually it only concern one of four purposes below::
1. Announcing/ Introducing an event
2. Promoting a service
3. Selling a product
4. Form an opinion, attitude or perspective (propaganda)
Because the target usually is a moving people, A good poster should be able to:
1. Successfully deliviring information quickly
2. Ideas and Content that attracts attention
3. Influence, Form opinion / perspective
4. Use striking color
5. Apply simplicity principle.
This media usually contain information that are more complete than a flyer or brochure, it's very appropriate for promoting product in a large number. Catalogue contain more complete information, from information about products specification, products picture, advantages and benefits, and even often informed the prices inside of it. Catalogue will allow consumer to be able to choose which product that siots their wants and budget. Sometimes the products displayed in a catalogue also come with discount info. An example of a catalogue were those uses by big department store.source: percetakan.biz
Brochure is the medium that are oftenly used by business people. This media is very effective in influencing consumer to buy a product. Effective here is not only mean low production cost, but also could convience consumer to use what we offer. Printed medium in a form of brochure usually is the basic asset used by salesman, sales agen and producent to be able to inform to consument about the advantages of a product, what benefit the consument could get if buying our product, physical form, color, size also how to get that product.
The basic differences of poster with other promotion media is poster usually read by moving people; probably while driving or having a walk. While brochure, booklet, and flyer was designed to be read in a particular way, probably while sitting or while standing. Because of that poster must be able to attract it's reader attention immediately, and in count of seconds, the message must be understood.
Poster used in various needs, but usually it only concern one of four purposes below::
1. Announcing/ Introducing an event
2. Promoting a service
3. Selling a product
4. Form an opinion, attitude or perspective (propaganda)
Because the target usually is a moving people, A good poster should be able to:
1. Successfully deliviring information quickly
2. Ideas and Content that attracts attention
3. Influence, Form opinion / perspective
4. Use striking color
5. Apply simplicity principle.
This media usually contain information that are more complete than a flyer or brochure, it's very appropriate for promoting product in a large number. Catalogue contain more complete information, from information about products specification, products picture, advantages and benefits, and even often informed the prices inside of it. Catalogue will allow consumer to be able to choose which product that siots their wants and budget. Sometimes the products displayed in a catalogue also come with discount info. An example of a catalogue were those uses by big department store.source: percetakan.biz
Perbedaan Flyer, Poster, Brosur & Katalog
Ada yang mengatakan bahwa istilah flyer diambil dari cara distribusinya pada era Perang Dunia 1, yaitu dengan menebarkannya dari atas pesawat! Pada masa itu flyer menjadi alat propaganda yang sangat efektif. Iyalah gimana gak efektif..!? Distribusinyanya aja oleh angin, yang bisa menjamah seluruh kawasan. Kebayang kan gimana ramenya hujan kertas tersebut.
Lalu apa isi dari flyer? Yang pasti berbeda-beda, tergantung pada kepentingan dari penggunaan flyer tersebut. Namun satu unsur utama yang dominan adalah informasi. Baik itu dalam bentuk teks maupun visual. Flyer pada dasarnya memang dibuat untuk memberitahu dan sekaligus sebagai alat pendekatan yang persuasif, untuk mengajak atau bahkan membentuk opini bagi orang banyak. Fomatnya juga beraneka ragam, mungkin kalau jaman dulu bentuknya paling-paling hanya segi empat dan ukurannya kurang lebih seukuran kartu pos standar tapi kalau sekarang.. hmmm.. jangan heran, macem-macem!! Aneh-aneh malah! Yang segi empat aja, berukuran mulai dari ukuran cetak A4 hingga sekecil kartu nama, bahkan ada yang bentuknya asimetris. Tapi bagaimana pun formatnya satu hal yang khas dari flyer adalah masa berlakunya. Flyer biasa dibagikan beberapa saat sebelum sebuah kejadian/event berlangsung dan lewat dari masa itu, informasi yang disampaikan sudah tidak ‘up to date’ lagi alias basi!….kelemahan? belum tentu! Justru hal inilah yang memungkinkan para desainer untuk bereksperimen. Pada ruang dan media yang instan ini, mereka dimungkinkan untuk bereksperimen dan menciptakan inovasi-inovasi visual yang menarik. Seperti halnya teori desain packaging, flyer pun memilki kesempatan hanya 1/5 detik untuk ‘menangkap’ mata si target audience. Para desainer pun berlomba-lomba untuk membuat desain yang paling eye catching dan memorable.
Hampir mirip dengan flyer, brosur biasanya memuat informasi atau penjelasan tentang suatu produk, layanan, fasilitas umum, profil perusahaan, sekolah, atau lainya dengan maksud untuk memperkenalkan produk dan sarana beriklan. Informasi dalam brosur ditulis dalam bahasa yang ringkas, dan dimaksudkan mudah dipahami dalam waktu singkat. Bila terdiri dari satu halaman, brosur umumnya dicetak pada kedua sisi, dan dilipat dengan pola lipatan tertentu hingga membentuk sejumlah panel yang terpisah, sementara jika lebih dari satu lembar biasanya dijilid dengan benang, kawat,atau sekedar disusun tanpa dijilid.
Brosur merupakan media yang paling banyak digunakan oleh pelaku usaha. Media ini termasuk sangat efektif dalam mempengaruhi konsumen untuk membeli suatu produk. Efektif disini tidak hanya berarti memerlukan ongkos produksi yang cukup ringan, tapi juga bisa meyakinkan konsumen untuk menggunakan apa yang kita tawarkan. Media cetakan dalam bentuk brosur biasanya merupakan modal dasar yang digunakan oleh salesman, agen penjualan, dan produsen untuk bisa menginformasikan kepada konsumen mengenai keunggulan utama dari sebuah produk. Di dalam Brosur kita bisa menjelaskan dengan detail apa saja kelebihan suatu produk, keuntungan apa saja yang didapat konsumen bila membeli produk tersebut, bentuk fisik, warna, ukuran serta bagaimana cara mendapatkan produk tersebut.
Perbedaan mendasar poster dengan media promosi lainnya adalah poster biasanya dibaca orang yang sedang bergerak; mungkin sedang berkendara atau berjalan kaki. Sedangkan brosur, booklet, flyer dirancang untuk dibaca secara khusus, mungkin duduk atau sesaat sambil berdiri. Karena itu poster harus dapat menarik perhatian pembacanya seketika, dan dalam hitungan detik, pesannya harus dimengerti.
Poster digunakan untuk berbagai macam keperluan, tapi biasanya hanya menyangkut satu dari empat tujuan berikut ini:
1. Mengumumkan / memperkenalkan suatu acara
2. Mempromosikan layanan / jasa
3. Menjual suatu produk
4. Membentuk sikap atau pandangan (propaganda)
Karena biasanya sasarannya adalah orang yang bergerak, maka selain berukuran besar, poster yang baik semetinya:
1. Berhasil menyampaikan informasi secara cepat
2. Ide dan isi yang menarik perhatian
3. Mempengaruhi, membentuk opini / pandangan
4. Menggunakan warna-warna mencolok
5. Menerapkan prinsip ’simplicity’
Media ini biasanya memuat informasi yang lebih lengkap dibanding flyer ataupun brosur, sangat tepat untuk mempromosikan produk dengan jumlah banyak. Katalog memuat informasi yang lebih lengkap, dari informasi seputar spesifikasi produk, gambar produk, kelebihan dan keunggulan, bahkan acapkali diinformasikan juga harga produk tersebut. Katalog akan memudahkan konsumen untuk bisa memilih sendiri produk mana yang sesuai dengan keinginan dan anggaran biayanya. Terkadang produk-produk yang didisplay pada katalog disertai juga dengan info diskon. Contoh penggunaan katalog antara lain digunakan oleh Giant, Alfamart, Hero, Carrefour, Matahari, Olimpic, Colombia, dll
source: percetakan.biz
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