"Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis" become the longest word in English language to date ever found in dictionary, The word itself mean "an artificial long word said to mean a lung disease caused by inhaling very fine ash and sand dust"
Derived from 7 words :
Pneumono: from ancient Greek (pneúmōn) which means lungs
ultra: from Latin, meaning beyond
micro and scopic: from ancient Greek, meaning small looking, referring to the fineness of particulates
silico-: from Latin, silicon
volcano: from Latin, referring to volcano
coni: from ancient Greek (kónis) which means dust
-osis: from ancient Greek, suffix to indicate a medical condition
Due to #ThursdayEnglish, I'm trying my best to create content around English language and find my self in things that I never thought existed before.
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